Friday, July 22, 2011

A few amateur mistakes...

I always enjoy reporting the silly mistakes we are making in our hippie attempts. For one, sometimes they are quite funny and it's always good to share funny, and hopefully someone reading this might realize that if I can fall on my face a few times while trying out some of these endeavors, and still find some enjoyment, maybe you can try something new too!
Amateur mistake #1: composting seeds. Last season, I spoke of the rookie compost mistake we made- composting mostly green materials- and its disasterous results. This year we discovered yet another rookie composting mistake- composting seeds. We ended up with dozens and dozens of seedlings in our compost bin, and were not quite sure what exactly they were. So we decided to take a few, put them in the garden and see what they would become. A few got shocked and died off, and one took root. And is now taking over the earth. The husband and I are still trying to determine exactly what it is. Could be acorn squash, might be pumpkin, but I'm guessing it's cantaloupe. Despite numerous attempts to trim it back, it's still taking up about a quarter of our garden. This weekend we are going to see what we can do to tame it and hopefully keep it from taking over any other plants (current casualties of Godzilla plant: 2 jalapeno plants, 1 dwarf pumpkin plant.
Amateur mistake #2: Not caging the tomato plants from the get-go. I knew tomato plants needed cages, I just never got around to doing it! But with all the sun we have had lately, the tomato plant has had immense growth in the last week or so. A few days ago, it practically imploded from the weight of all the tomatoes. So it finally became do-or-die. The husband and I just spent about 45 minutes wrestling with some cages, and I think we successfully have all the tomatoes up off the ground. Phew.
Our next issue to tackle, aside from taming Godzilla plant is to figure out how to keep the friendly neighborhood ground squirrel from treating our garden like his own personal buffet.
Tomato casualties to date:
Ground squirrel: 3
Wresting tomato cages into place: 12 (d'oh!)
Two kids' curious hands: 10
And yet, we still have plenty tomatoes on the plant that will hopefully mature.
And even with all these hiccups, we are still enjoying garden fresh veggies several times a week.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Garden updates!

Our garden is flourishing! We have a handful of plants that seem to be taking over the universe. The Early Girl tomato plant has over 30 tomatoes on it currently (I lost count after 30!), and our yellow squash are giant! I'm very happy with how things are growing so far. Looks like we're going to have quite a few potatoes, onions, jalapenos, green peppers, and definitely plenty of squash and tomatoes. I think I'm going to have to find some spaghetti sauce recipes! Oh, and we're enjoying fresh garden salad at least once a week. Can't complain about that! The growing season is treating us well- not to mention the beautiful flowers that we have around the yard. Happy gardening!