Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Intriguing article

Motherhood has changed me. To claim otherwise would be lying. It has made me question things I otherwise would not question, ponder things that I wouldn't have slightly cared about before. And, while in the midst of parenting two children under age 3, I have also opted to work with children under the age of 3. I go into their homes, and I have the opportunity to see how other parents operate their households. I have gone into developmental hyperdrive. So many children, so many different developmental levels, personalities, and temperments. Nature vs. Nurture crosses my mind about a hundred times a day. Does a child's diet affect his behavior? Are certain children predisposed to be the way they are? Just how much TV is ok? How much outdoor activity does a kid need? Is the amount of chemicals they are exposed to a factor in their development? All of this developmental thinking goes hand in hand with my recent hippie push. I'm seeing more and more benefits to natural, home-based living everyday. I'm a huge advocate for breastfeeding, cloth diapering, reducing the chemicals we are exposed to, and parents stepping up to actually raise their children. I find this very empowering. If you are a loyal blog reader, you may remember my review of the book Radical Homemakers. The perspective that feminism and motherhood can go hand-in-hand is absolutely fascinating to me. I recently came across this article. I don't necessarily agree with 100 percent of what the author says, but I'm intrigued by her message. I requested her book from the library. A review is sure to follow.

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