Thursday, October 14, 2010

Oh the things we consume...

Gross. I am not above this. I still eat at McDonalds (and drink too- I can't quite resist those "crack coffees" - aka, Iced Coffees that I swear are infused with crack because they are so addicting). Although, I have been finding more and more reasons to avoid this and most other fast foods. Articles like this and documentaries like Super Size Me have really made me think about fast food and how much I eat it. Now that I have significantly reduced how much fast food I eat, an occasional meal at such a franchise makes me feel.... well, yucky. It tastes good momentarily, but it is short-lived, as I begin to feel awful the minute it hits my lower esophageal sphincter. I swear Pepto Bismol advertisers must've been eating McDonald's when they came up with their slogan- "Nausea, Heartburn, Indigestion, Upset Stomach, Diarhhea. Yay Pepto Bismol!" Why do we continue to eat this garbage? Because we crave it! More about diet choices in a later post....

1 comment:

  1. And on that note, take a look at this. We were just talking about this at work the other day.
