Monday, October 18, 2010

One man's junk...

You know the saying. With the number of moves my family has had over the last few years, it's pretty easy to realize the amount of "stuff" one can acquire. The one good thing about frequent moves (and trust me, this might be the only good thing) is that it allows you to purge the possessions you rarely use. It allows you to assess how often you actually use something, what the item means to you, and whether it's worth keeping. But, what to do with the "stuff" you are ready to part with? Lazy* answer: Trashcan! Hippie answer: Freecycle! For those of you who are not familiar with Freecycle, I highly recommend you check it out. It's a network that allows you to post items that you no longer want, and are willing to part with for free. Other members can then contact you if you have what they want. Essentially, it's a method of finding a new owner for something you no longer want, but may be of use to someone. To use Freecycle, you simply search for a town near you, and you then become a member of that particular network. You can either post items you want to get rid of, or you can search for other people's stuff. Others in the same network can find your stuff and contact you if they want it. Just one more way to keep stuff out of landfills. You never know, someone may want that old ball of yarn or that three-legged table. *Please do not take offense to this. I use the term 'lazy' with the utmost love and respect, as I have been known to throw a thing or two in the trash. Baby steps.

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